Lights flicker. A ghost?

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If your on line side of meter and ever see 137 or close .

Those reading I quoted were not from my service, they happen to be one from a service I had a call on that day where the messenger wire in the overhead was the only neutral connection.
I was only able to catch a reading once on mine and I think it dropped 118/v on one of the legs from 124/v when the lights flickered.

For the last 2 nights we have not seen the lights flicker. That does not mean it is fixed.
The last time the POCO came out, he took readings but it was not happening so he said he could not do anything.

We have a 12Kw trans on the pole that has probably been there for 40 yrs. it supplies 8 houses 2 of which are vacant.
Those reading I quoted were not from my service, they happen to be one from a service I had a call on that day where the messenger wire in the overhead was the only neutral connection.
I was only able to catch a reading once on mine and I think it dropped 118/v on one of the legs from 124/v when the lights flickered.

For the last 2 nights we have not seen the lights flicker. That does not mean it is fixed.
The last time the POCO came out, he took readings but it was not happening so he said he could not do anything.

We have a 12Kw trans on the pole that has probably been there for 40 yrs. it supplies 8 houses 2 of which are vacant.

If only 12Kw I would expect more voltage problems than you described even if it only fed one home. You sure about 12 Kw? That would only mean full load rating of 50 amps @240 volts. Not that most POCOs wouldn't try to get at least 75 out of it.
The POCO guy commented about it being only a 12Kw and the transformer has a big 12 in the side of it.
These houses were built in 1946 with an original 60 amp service with 6 circuit fuse panels.
The POCO guy commented about it being only a 12Kw and the transformer has a big 12 in the side of it.
These houses were built in 1946 with an original 60 amp service with 6 circuit fuse panels.

Is one way to get a new transformer but its bit illegal. Aim your gun near the bottom.
Seriously a 12 kw is very small for even 6 houses. With knowing that i would exspect some very low voltage drops. If you have a 200 amp service load that thing up to its max for an hour or 2 untill you hear a loud bang followed by no lights. Sometimes you just got to play nasty to get results.
Very curious as to what you have for loads. Only way i can see you and neighbors getting bye on 12 KW is gas for everything but lights.
We have a 12Kw trans on the pole that has probably been there for 40 yrs. it supplies 8 houses 2 of which are vacant.

Call the power company and ask to speak to the engineer that in charge of/responsible for your area. They normally have site drawing that show what is hooked up to the transformer and calcualted loads and so forth ( at least some information ). They may not be aware of the problem.
18 110/v circuits
CAC @ 15 amps

90.5 amps by rough calculation.
1st 6 110/v cir. * 10/2 = 30
2nd 6*5/2 = 15
Remaining * 3.5/2 = 10.5
Dryer = 20
CAC = 15

Gas Stove, Furnace and water heater

I would only hit the max if I loaded everything down which has nor will ever happen.
If I get a chance I will amp clamp the legs with all lights and appliances going.
18 110/v circuits
CAC @ 15 amps

90.5 amps by rough calculation.
1st 6 110/v cir. * 10/2 = 30
2nd 6*5/2 = 15
Remaining * 3.5/2 = 10.5
Dryer = 20
CAC = 15

Gas Stove, Furnace and water heater

I would only hit the max if I loaded everything down which has nor will ever happen.
If I get a chance I will amp clamp the legs with all lights and appliances going.

If your neighbors are similar I would be surprised that transformer has not failed yet. One of my parties would wipe that puppy out fast LOL
I do believe your problems are result of undersized transformer. You need to buy a HOT TUB and slam that load on it.
POCO will not change it out till it goes up in flames
The POCO guy commented about it being only a 12Kw and the transformer has a big 12 in the side of it.
These houses were built in 1946 with an original 60 amp service with 6 circuit fuse panels.

In 1946 that size of transformer was probably fine, today it is not large enough for most individual homes, let alone six or eight of them.
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