lights pulsing when toaster oven turned on

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I once saw a similar occurrence. The toaster and overhead light would take turns "lighting up". I think they were wired in series! Very odd. Of course,they had to both be on to work at all, if you could call it that.
is the service overhead or underground ? the reason i ask is, i've seen this in OLD aluminium underground services, where a conductor, or the conductors actually desintegrate. It will happen on occasion, sometimes where the wire was bent during installation.they (in my instance) the grounded conductor just turned to dust. check connections in panel also, good luck, let us know what you find

This happens with old or new aluminum conductors. It is not the age of the conductor that causes this, it is damaged insulation that allows the surrounding elements inside the conductor insulation. Aluminum happens to deteriorate much faster than copper when that happens. The dust that is left behind is primarily aluminum oxide.
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