From equation in the 'Delta Connected' image attached below...
What is the practical value of the equation
phase amps X 1.732 = line amps
Where to use that ? In many transformer problems in my electrician workbooks, that equation is nowhere to be seen. Yet I come across it in another publication. It must be good for something ???? What is 'phase amps' anyhow ?
I guess between 120/208, the 208 would be the line voltage.
120 would be phase voltage.
But what is 'phase amps' ? I am trying to make a first step in
grasping use/meaning of the 1.732 multiplier in amps calcualations. I am use to using the 1.732 multiplier only 'next to a voltage number'.
What gives here?
What is the practical value of the equation
phase amps X 1.732 = line amps
Where to use that ? In many transformer problems in my electrician workbooks, that equation is nowhere to be seen. Yet I come across it in another publication. It must be good for something ???? What is 'phase amps' anyhow ?
I guess between 120/208, the 208 would be the line voltage.
120 would be phase voltage.
But what is 'phase amps' ? I am trying to make a first step in
grasping use/meaning of the 1.732 multiplier in amps calcualations. I am use to using the 1.732 multiplier only 'next to a voltage number'.
What gives here?
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