[FONT="]In this article we will discuss upcoming changes regarding definitions of conductors and cables for the 2018 Canadian Electrical Code Part I (CE Code). In June of this year the Technical Committee for the CE Code voted on and agreed to the following definition changes in Section 0 of the CE Code:
Conductor — a conductive material that is con*structed for the purpose of carrying electric current. a wire or cable, or other form of metal, installed for the purpose of conveying electric current from one piece of electrical equipment to another or to ground.
Bare conductor — a conductor having no cover*ing or electrical insulation.
Covered conductor — a conductor covered[/FONT][FONT="] with a dielectric material having no rated dielectric strength.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT]
[FONT="]Insulated conductor — [/FONT][FONT="]a conductor covered with a dielectric material having a rated dielectric strength.[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Cable — [/FONT][FONT="]a complete manufactured assembly of one or more insulated conductors which may also include optical fibres, fillers, strength mem*bers, insulating and protective material, having a continuous overall covering providing electrical, mechanical and environmental protection to the assembly.[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Jacket — [/FONT][FONT="]a non-metallic covering on a cable which provides mechanical and environmental pro*tection for the cable.[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT]
[FONT="]Wire — [/FONT][FONT="]see Conductor.