If there's an established industry standard for testing damaged conductors in dry conduit, we would LOVE to see it! This contractor throws out BS excuses and roadblocks at every opportunity to try to avoid being responsible for his work. He initially rejected ANY megger tests, claiming it could damage the wires. If we insist upon a Hi-Pot test without solid and incontrovertible documentation to support our position, he will claim that the damage was caused by our test and not by his shoddy workmanship. I know that the insulation will withstand the Hi-Pot test if it's undamaged. I also know that if the Hi-Pot test were to damage the insulation, it wouldn't look anything like the damage caused by dragging the wire over the metal edge of the LB. But this contractor, despite having a degree in EE, is not the brightest bulb in the box.IMO, this is not the right test method for this conduit run. You should find an application that is an industry standard.
Just to give you an idea of his mentality, his propensity to blame anyone but himself, and his lack of critical thinking, let me give this little example...
One of the conductors to our inverter #2 was damaged; this was in buried PVC conduit. We agreed to allow him to intercept the run midway by cutting in a new pull box. The location of this new pull box was selected to be adjacent to an existing pull box for inverter #3. He hired a day laborer to help him dig the hole for the new box, and they piled the dirt and sand on the ground nearby. The conduit was cut, the damaged wire replaced, the conductors were tested, and then the new Christy box was installed. But what happened to the extra sand that was excavated from the conduit trench? It could have been simply spread out on the ground (bare dirt between two buildings), but it wasn't. I discovered that someone opened the pull box for inverter #3 and shoved all the sand in there, filling it above the openings of the conduit with sand spilling down into the conduits. I didn't witness the final installation of the new Christy box, so I don't know who actually did this. I suspect it was some laborer he hired to finish installing the box. When we notified the contractor and told him he needed to clean out the extra sand, he didn't say, "I'm sorry, the guy I hired must have done that. I'll take care of it." Instead, he tried to blame it on me. This is what he wrote to our manager (in two separate emails):
"Lastly, the before photo (marked invert #2) and after photo (re-marked invert #3) that you attached, are of the pull box for inverter #3. [Contractor's company] has not conducted any work in this box other than re-labeling the pipe prior to your flooding of the conduits. However, the after photo clearly indicates that flooding of the conduits or water intrusion has washed sand or dirt into the pull box and perhaps into the conduits."
"Your claim that we put dirt in inverter #3 pull box is simply untrue. As previously stated, we have not conducted work on inverter #3 electrical lines nor work in the pull box. However, we note that you had been working with Power One on inverter #3 ongoing issues. We warned you about the potential damage to equipment while flooding conduits and observed [Jon456] flooding of the pull box. As part of your system maintenance, we recommend that you remove the dirt from the pull box and vacuum out the sand in the conduit to keep the area clean."
"Your claim that we put dirt in inverter #3 pull box is simply untrue. As previously stated, we have not conducted work on inverter #3 electrical lines nor work in the pull box. However, we note that you had been working with Power One on inverter #3 ongoing issues. We warned you about the potential damage to equipment while flooding conduits and observed [Jon456] flooding of the pull box. As part of your system maintenance, we recommend that you remove the dirt from the pull box and vacuum out the sand in the conduit to keep the area clean."
So here are the before & after photos taken of the pull box for inverter #3 (note that the contractor had labelled the conduit incorrectly as "Inverter #2" during the original installation; he remarked it recently):

Firstly, we had flooded the #3 inverter conduit for testing during the first round of testing and all the wire within passed. We did not re-test these #3 inverter wires during the second round of testing after the other damaged wires were replaced. So this conduit never got flooded at the time when the sand appeared.
Secondly, does that look like sand that has been washed in by water? Perhaps this contractor never played in a sand box or at the beach, but water flowing slowly out of the conduits wouldn't deposit sand in loose, crumbly piles above the level of the conduit openings.
Thirdly, if he's claiming that all that sand was washed out of the conduit that he installed, then I would have to question the quality of his conduit installation!
This is a trivial problem; I could easily send one of my workers to clean out that box. But this illustrates the level at which the contractor will stoop to avoid taking responsibility for his work.