Little Girl Gets Shocked

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Re: Little Girl Gets Shocked

Originally posted by charlie:
Bryan, if FP&L advertise as much as we do about staying away from HV lines, then the gene pool is being thinned out. We put a lot of ads on TV and the radio about this subject but people will say, "I will be careful, it is not that big of a deal. They are just trying to scare us." :(
why do people insist on using metal ladders? Anyone with half a brain knows to use insulated ladders. Here is a prime case of saving a few bucks on a ladder costing someone their life...
Re: Little Girl Gets Shocked

Heart fillibrations can be induced at or around 5-6 milliamps. It is my understanding that this is the reason that 5 milliamps was chosen to be the threshold for gfci protection of personel.
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