Little Romex Question

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IMO, the conductors are THHN, but it is not so marked. The insulation appears as thin as THHN, without nylon cover, but, is not identified. The manufacturer identifies the cable assembly by stamping the ID info on the outer jacket.

I agree, but I've seen some NM (Southwire brand or Cerrowire?) that does appear to still have the nylon cover over the wires. It make sense for them to use THHN in there.
... Thermoplastic (PVC) conductor insulation-nylon jacketed ...

My NM-B has no nylon jacket that I can discern
by scraping it with my knife edge.

Last year, I was in a thread that finally decided that since the conductor was not identified as 'THHN' (as other conductors are off the spools), then we could not assume that it was 'real' THHN. Inside the manufacturer's cable assembly it works like THHN.

The effect was that I could not strip out every so many feet of 'THHN' and pull through conduit (as if it were THHN) because it was not identified as 'THHN'. That was when I noticed that I could not find any nylon jacketing on the individual conductors of the NM-B that I had. Not having a nylon jacket would mean that pulling through conduit could cause damage to the thin (apparently THHN) insulation.

Comments always welcome. :)

Thanks for the URL.
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