Q: Can the circuit breaker complement on the 16 circuit 100 amp switch for the Model 5873 generator be changed? What I am looking at is 1 50 amp 240v, 1 20 amp 240 v, 6 20 amp 120v, and 5 15 amp 120v for my house. The 50 amp is a 4 ton 14.5 SEER AC, the 20 amp 240v is a well water pump, and the rest are regular house circuits. Also, can ArcFault and GroundFault breakers be used with the switch? Thanks for your help. Like your website.
by Leon R Henry from Pennsylvania on August 28, 2013
A: You can accommodate the 50A 240V and 20A 240V no problem but you are only able to do a total of 10 120V circuits (5-20A and 5 - 15A). The only changes that can be made is going down in amperage on the circuits and you cannot change a 240V circuit into 2 120V circuits as this will void the UL listing and the warranty.