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Thanks for the reply, I actually planned on pulling a 12-3 up to feed since I have some in stock, typo my apologies. I was trying to apply the continuous duty multipler, but I see how the 80% is same thing. Double checked nameplate on fan today says 1.8 on high, doing the math its 8.8 fans. Even did a load check with extension chord and it was right where it should be. But I was curious if I needed to consider article 430, but I think it is utilization equip fixed in place.
#12 wire on 20A OCPD, loaded to 80% for continuous load yields 16A continuous. 16A / 1.5A per fan = 10.7 fans/circuit or 10 fans that can run on high, continuously, simultaneously, assuming that the 1.5A is the current draw on high. Not sure if there are any demand factors you could apply to allow more fans to be run on one circuit.
If you ran a MWBC you could run 21 fans on high at the same time continuously while only needing one more conductor on a 120/240V service, or 32 fans on a 3ph service w/2 more conductors with a 120/208 3ph service.