Lockable pullout disconnects

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Senior Member
Outside Baltimore Maryland
Master Electrician
This was from upcoming changes to the 2023 NEC. Thoughts on whether this means that pullout disconnects will now need to be locked? Or is the plastic shield enough?

No. 13 — Disconnects in Residential Spaces​

To prevent a hazard from energized parts, Sec. 440.11 was revised to require disconnecting means with doors that can open to expose live parts to be lockable or require tools to open them when installed in areas readily accessible to unqualified persons.
Jim, do you have the full code section number? When the pull out portion is installed during normal operation are there any live parts?
440.11 was cited.

Under normal usage no energized parts are exposed, It may have been my parsing, and I focused on the lack of need for tools to expose the live parts or to open them.
440.11 was cited.

Under normal usage no energized parts are exposed, It may have been my parsing, and I focused on the lack of need for tools to expose the live parts or to open them.
The tool requirement part would mean that you do not need a locking means.
Here is the section

440.11 General.
Disconnecting means shall be capable of disconnecting air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, including motor-compressors and controllers, from the circuit conductors. If the disconnecting means is readily accessible to unqualified persons, any enclosure door or hinged cover of a disconnecting means enclosure that exposes energized parts when open shall require a tool to open or be capable of being locked.
Here is the section
Doesn't that cover just about every disconnecting means? Don't they all pretty much have a locking means of some type? The pull out type have no energized parts. The ones with a hinged door have a place for a lock so do we really need this code section?
Doesn't that cover just about every disconnecting means? Don't they all pretty much have a locking means of some type? The pull out type have no energized parts. The ones with a hinged door have a place for a lock so do we really need this code section?

Seems unnecessary, I don't think I have ever seen one without a lock tab,
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