Long Sleeve Shirt - Really?

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farmaped said:
With summer in full effect, I wanted to get a feel on the cotton "long sleeve" shirt requirement of Cat. 0 work. Many locations / industries utilize the Cat. 2 (FR pants and shirt) system for everyday wear, and with that, most Electricians wear the FR Cat 2 pants with a cotton T-Shirt throughout the day, dawning the FR Cat 2 shirt for energized tasks which require it. However, 90% of cabinets (e.g. loadcenters, PLC cabinets, remote disconnects) are calculated and labeled Cat. 0.
While it's easy enough to say long sleeve cotton is required and should be worn, most people don't own 15 LS shirts, and, would be quite uncomforable to be worn daily in 80-100 degree environment, thus SS cotton T-shirts are predominant.
In your opinion, would you agree, and, do you condone? Maybe I'm way off base, but I just don't see the LS shirt being enforced, nor should it be.
It is enforced and you need to just get used to it you want to be safe dont you?
bjp_ne_elec said:
Zog - I'm solo. Just interested in the topic, and always looking to stay "safe".

There is a decent, inexpensive, 70E online class I wrote that would fit your needs. You can take it at home from your computer, about 4-5 hours. I dont work for the company anymore but they are still using my classes.


Lookk for the Webex NFPA 70E Class.
Zog - hit website, but wasn't sure which course you were recommending. I really just want to understand about the clothing - shirts, pants - and then maybe get a recommendation (PMs are fine) as to where to acquire them. I'd want to be wearing them anytime I was going to be working on a live panel. Do mostly residential and light commercial. You wouldn't believe what I find once I take the cover off - and I'm always concerned about a loose wire kicking around. Opened up a 480 disconnect/controller one time - was supposed to have 120V control, and some nit-wit picked off the 480. Well the wire was loose and when I opened the cabinet - KABOOM. Sat there dazed for several minutes - and then pinch myself to see if I was still alive. Fortunately in this situation I didn't get arc flash.


No matter who you buy PPE from, it probally comes from Westex, they make the fabric, not clothing. (Brand names Indura, Indura Ultra Soft). There are others out there but Indura Ultra soft is best protection for your money.

Lots of good info on thier website

Make sure you click on the Video Libray link, and watch some of the testing videos, you can see what an actual arc flash looks like for nearly any type of equipment, fault currents, and clearing times.

Click on "No manikin" and watch the first clip, it is a 480V 30A disconnect, the arc flash is "only" 4 cal/cm2 which most people would think is no big deal, those people have never seen a 4cal/cm2 arc flash.

For your PPE purchasing question, it depends on what you need, there is not one source for all people. What level of HRC? Buy or rent? Daily wear or coveralls? From what you are describing as your job I would guess a HRC 2 kit would be best, use it when you need to.

I talked to the company with the training site I told you about, they are having some issues with the Webex but it should be back up and running in a week or 2.

Have you read the Safety FAQ's in this forum yet?
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