Looking for a simple pool-bonding outline

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As per my conversation with the customer, I'm pricing the job with me providing and installing the mesh, to be coordinated with the contractor. It's easier to remove a proposal entry than add one.

I am not providing or installing any part of the pool or associated hardware, only the power and bonding.

Just to clarify, everything must be GFCI-protected, right? The heat-pump heater, the pump motor, and of course the receptacle.

And, as I touched upon earlier, the garage has a 120v mini-split. I plan to re-feed it from the new panel when I commandeer the conduit and remove the pull-out.

As it is sitting right where the pool equipment will be, should it be bonded to the equipment?

As it's hardwired and not pool-related, am I correct that it does not require GFCI protection?
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