Looking for code requiring 3 different colors for 3 different phases

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"What code, if any, requires different phases to be different colors?"
In most case the local AHJ has some sort of amendment that states color coding rules.
I bring up AHJ due the fact the way you ask your question.
Wow so OK amends the code and mandates that color coding huh?
I see they still mandate 'natural gray', I have noticed some wire manufacturers no longer offer 'light gray' or natural gray.
But I sill ask for it, I dont like that dark gray.
I see there is a few thing to take away from this for marking/ identification of an ungrounded ( phase)conductor.
100: AHJ
110.15/ 230.56
215.12 (C)
I will be using this for a job talk topic on our next session.
Any other articals I should include.

I will be discussing the difference between 110.15 and the relationship to 230.56. One has to read both carefully. Not just read orange tape or other marking (loose terms).
Have not been on a job here yet that does it per Tulsa code with the exception of my own. I was told Tulsa had no code and use black mc etc. for everything. I was like really!
Lack of enforcement
I have seen a color used only to indicate phase and connection type:
wye is:
Black / Red / Blue
and swap out red for orange for delta:
Black / Orange / Blue
Voltage is indicated by tag or label.
Noodles all white
And then there are miles of DC conductor in solar power systems where lots of people decided to make red positive, but all the red dyes fade to a very light pink after a year or two in the sun so it all looks like a black conductor and a grounded conductor. At least in the terminal enclosures the color is still there.
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