Looking for ideas regarding a timer to control two lights outside of garage

Max Headroom

Senior Member
Claremont CA 91711
General Building Contractor/Electrical Contractor
I am installing two lights on the outside of a residential garage, the owner wants them on a timer. He has a small digital timer that plugs into a receptacle and what ever you want to control plugs into the timer. I don't think that will work in this application as I'm using EMT and that would mean I would need to run a cord and plug out of a junction box and plug into the timer which would be plugged into a nearby receptacle on the same circuit, doesn't sound right? He also does not like the old style timers with the wheel and stops. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
You need to hang out with me for a while. Try to make it look like you did it the way you did it on purpose.

Since you're using EMT, you put a box with a raised cover that fits the timer either:

Where you either already have or will need a junction box to connect new to existing EMT, or

Where you would otherwise need an LB or other fitting where you come through the wall, etc.

The orange and blue stores stock automatically-adjusting, programmable, astronomical timers.

And no, don't even think about stuff like plug-in timers, or rotary knobs, or sliding tabs.
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You need to hang out with me for a while. Try to make it look like you did it the way you did it on purpose.

Since you're using EMT, you put a box with a raised cover that fits the timer either:

Where you either already have or will need a junction box to connect new to existing EMT, or

Where you would otherwise need an LB or other fitting where you come through the wall, etc.

The orange and blue stores stock automatically-adjusting, programmable, astronomical timers.

And no, don't even think about stuff like plug-in timers, or rotary knobs, or sliding tabs.
Thank you Larry, I like that allot, really appreciate that
I have used these with no problems. They do require a neutral at the timer.

I have used these with no problems. They do require a neutral at the timer.

Neutral should be no problem, this timer looks great, thank you for your help, very much appreciated.