Looking for some options...

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I always saved ALL the old meters cans I could get my hands on to replace broken and burned parts in metercans when someone absolutly had no money for a service change.
If it's a line-side lug issue, it can't be done easily, at least here. Unless you know a safe way to get a broken lug off of the service conductor, the POCO has to kill the drop/lateral.

Then, they want an inspection before re-energization, which means the entire meter base must be replaced, because it's an assembly and not intended for parts replacement.

So, there's no quick fix. That's the way it is here, anyway, and it really creates a vacuum! :mad:
From picture that does not look like 4/0 alum at best 2/0 (just going by looks)
been a while but pretty sure you could buy a 30/40 with main 150. Check out homeline and cutler hammer.
Would look at wire first before replacing.
Customer might rather pay to upgrade to 200 amp
Is no way i would upgrade to 200 if wires are under 4/0

The conductors are Copper. I am going to investigate further getting a larger 150 amp panel. I have no problem cutting the seal on the meter and removing the cover to "learn" more. I feel the Meter base is going to be rated for 200a. The current panel is a 150a split-bus.

I don't mind up selling to a 200a service and I would like to use the existing conduit and meter base if I can. The service riser is 2" so if the meter base is rated at 200a then I could just install new conductors.
when you demo that old FPE panel put the breakers on ebay

for some reason people eat that stuff up

last week i sold an old stablok buss and breakers for $130.00 from a heavy up the week before.
I have a customer who would like to change out their Federal Pacific panel. ...I'm not sure if the size of the current Service conductors, they are the older cloth type and I can't tell their size nor can read any markings....advance. :)

I did the panel change today and I was finally able to see the markings on the Service conductors and it is 1/0 CU.

Everything went smoothly and thanks again for your input.
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