low voltage relays 1965 home

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back then we thought every home would eventually be wired that way,

Yeah...lets build an entire seperate system just to switch our lights.:roll: Let's run the switch legs across the house and jam them into a box. It will work forever....right?

Bad idea then, bad idea now. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. I don't need to turn on my bathroom light via my cell phone.

Also, I have NEVER seen a decent relay installation, new or old.
220/221 said:
Yeah...lets build an entire seperate system just to switch our lights.:roll: Let's run the switch legs across the house and jam them into a box. It will work forever....right?

Bad idea then, bad idea now. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. I don't need to turn on my bathroom light via my cell phone.

Also, I have NEVER seen a decent relay installation, new or old.

I dont know, If I wanted to control multiple outdoor lights from every door in the house I would want touchplate, think of all the 3 ways & 4 ways it eliminates, and I can fit 6 switches in a 1 gang box... sounds pretty good to me... And you can have illuminated masters to know that the lights are on without having to get up and look... :)
stickboy1375 said:
I dont know, If I wanted to control multiple outdoor lights from every door in the house I would want touchplate, think of all the 3 ways & 4 ways it eliminates,

That is the beauty of the system, as soon as you want more then a SP switch at each door relays start to make sense. You can add as many switches as you want with LV cable, you can have master switches etc.

IMO it was a good system and I would enjoy troubleshooting and repairing the old systems.
iwire said:
That is the beauty of the system, as soon as you want more then a SP switch at each door relays start to make sense. You can add as many switches as you want with LV cable, you can have master switches etc.

IMO it was a good system and I would enjoy troubleshooting and repairing the old systems.

I do it quite a bit, I happen to like the system, I dont like how the systems were treated with unqualified people messing with them over the years, & the biggest trouble call you get is a stuck button, which messes everything up...
If memory serves, I believe part of the reason for DC was that a few switches in one room, say hi-hats, chandiler, and wall sconces, could be independantly switched at one doorway, and have one single master switch at the other. Or, outdoor lights independantly switched by their respective entrances, but allow for master one-switch control over entire groups or catagories, alarm activation, etc...
dbuckley said:
Yeah, it was all those transformers I found odd. Old TouchPlate used just a single power supply for lots of relays, so having one transformer per relay is most odd.

All those transformers are pilot light transformers, every Touchplate system had 1 transverter power supply, then if you wanted pilot lights at the switches you would need a separate pilot light transformer for each relay but a maximum of 4 pilot lights per transformer... the system is very easy to understand and a great product IMO.
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iwire said:
That is the beauty of the system, as soon as you want more then a SP switch at each door relays start to make sense.
The modern systems are better than that; as soon as you want to change the control arrangement you and reconfigure the system in software. With a fixed function switchplate you might have to change the switch plate if it doesn't have spare button(s).

Don't forget: Geek Squad Services More Valuable Than Electrical Services?. Five minutes to change the plate (optional), ten minutes to get the laptop out, do the change, and ten minutes to demonstrate to customer, say nice things about the decor, present the BIG bill and leave.

My sole electrical qualification: Certified Clipsal CBus integrator :) You can fit the system now too, as its available from Square D.

stickboy1375 said:
All those transformers are pilot light transformers
Flip. I knew that touchplates had pilot lites, but I hadn't put 2+2 together...
dbuckley said:
The modern systems are better than that; as soon as you want to change the control arrangement you and reconfigure the system in software. ..

Software, what the heck is that stuff? :wink:
IMO it was a good system and I would enjoy troubleshooting and repairing the old systems.


You are one sick individual :D
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