Magnetic Field Strength

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Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Originally posted by big john:
<snip> Why doesn't anybody spec. a sign to be put outside MRI rooms that says:

No Metallic Objects
Beyond This Point.

Thanks to Roger I have delved deeper into MRI magnets and their missile dangers. The magnet is ALWAYS on. There is no safe time. The danger is strong or stronger depending on the power of the scan. Ferrous-magnetic items are a danger. According to the links provided by Roger: Magnets can draw 1300 amps; magnets can be 10,000 times stronger than the magnet that picks up junk metal at a wrecking yard.

If you have not already done so, watch the GE video that Roger linked to. It's very interesting. It's thin on safety strategies but it does a good job of documenting the danger.


PS: My story is still true.

[ September 07, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: awwt ]
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Before leaving this thread I will restate my viewpoint: If the walker was all aluminum, the story could not be true if it occurred on this planet.

If aluminum walkers have steel parts that I am not aware of then there is a physical possibility that it could have happened. If someone wants to research the history of walker construction, fine.

The pattern I spoke of is the main point.

Re: Magnetic Field Strength

All points well taken and agreed upon.

I have written an email to a supplier of aluminum walkers.

I also plan to call the MRI facility to see if there was an incident report filed. If not, I will file my own ex-parte incident report for their record.

I'll post back if I get anything worthy. If you come across anything please post back or Private Message me.

Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Though I'm relatively late coming to his defense, reading Awwt's story about the walker and the magnet got me thinking:

I don't think anyone on this board would argue that aluminum is strongly magnetic. Should Awwt's story center around an aluminum walker, then it is definitely to be taken with a grain of salt.


A quick Google search proved that manufacturers do make walkers out of steel tubing. While not as light weight, they are much more sturdy. No one could argue that steel is not magnetic.

Maybe we shouldn't be so quick as to condemn someone before the facts of the incident can be ascertained.

Awwt wasn't contending that the walker was aluminum, he was simply stating that it did in fact happen, and he seems pretty sure of what he saw.

Re: Magnetic Field Strength

The aluminum walker that came up on a web search advertised a " Lightweight tubeular aluminum frame with a reinforced steel front crossbrace for strength and stability !!!
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

I'm still feeling the sting of my posting. I wasn't trying to hijack the thread-- the MRI Missile danger had already been broached by others. I just wanted to add a real-life story that MRI magnets are serious business.

I hope we can all just get along.

I have noticed that when somebody posts a bogus story online and you challenge them that they will just silently slink away if their story is indeed bogus. I'm still here, and I still swear it happened.

I have no idea about how much iron was in that walker but it was definitely ferrous-magnetic and became a missile!

Now back to the gist of the thread.

PS: In spite of what I saw I don't believe stories about bullets being pulled right out of guns. Guns out of unclipped holsters maybe (or unclipped clips out of gun belts), but not bullets. Maybe bullets out of a gun belt.
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Originally posted by awwt:
I'm still feeling the sting of my posting.
I am starting to think you like the sting :D as you keep reviving this thread.

Originally posted by awwt:
I don't believe stories about bullets being pulled right out of guns. Guns out of unclipped holsters maybe (or unclipped clips out of gun belts), but not bullets. Maybe bullets out of a gun belt.
Common Bullets are brass and lead, no magnet is going to grab them.
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

I was going to edit my latest post before I saw yours, but now I'll edit it here. I was going to add that in my opinion pulling a bullet out would be hard because of brass/lead/stainless. I decided nobody would call me on that and I let it be :)

So, we see the bullet thing the same way. I was going to leave this thread alone, but there were a couple of replies to it a few days ago. I revisited my posts to see if I stated anything in error. I thought about editing them-- but everything looked fairly hunky-Dorey so I left my previous posts alone. I won't stand down on that story.

I will not speculate to a certainty about what an MRI magnet will grab and what it won't. I only know what I saw, and I have no other firsthand experience to share about MRI missiles. It's a real danger.
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Is the company that made that MRI still in business? I would expect the there would have be many megabuck lawsuits because they premitted the machine to be installed in a room that was too small. There should not be a strong field outside of the MRI room even with the door open. If there is such a field there is a serious saftey hazard and a design flaw.
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

The old lady got past the door. She was in the room when it grabbed her walker. The door had been opened to let me out. The tech had her back turned to the door. The old lady had a gown on so I assume she was the next victim-- I mean patient. I have not been there in three years but I assume it's still in operation. It's privately owned by the doctor and is run under his name. It was a very old magnet. I had to be shoehorned into it. My head was basically pointing at the door-- the tunnel lines up towards the door. Send me a PM and I'll provide you with the name & address.

../Wayne C.

[ October 01, 2003, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: awwt ]
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

It has been awhile now and I have been wondering is you have gotten any response to the request you have made to the supplier of aluminum walkers or have you heard anything from the MRI facility that you were going to inquire about for a incident report on your unfortunate experience while having your tests done??????


( Message not edited : 10:20pm centarl time)
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

I never got any replies from the walker suppliers or from the MRI facility. I have not pursued it beyond that.

Your posting is timely. I have a new prescription for an MRI at that "old" facility. I'll try to do some recon while I'm there, and I'll pay closer attention to the layout of the facility. My doc prefers the old facility. My insurance prefers a newer facility. My body size prefers the new "open magnet" one. If I end up at the old facility I'll report back.

I reminded my doc of the walker incident. He asked if I knew about the 6-YO kid killed at Children's (Oakland, CA). I asked if that was the oxygen cylinder missile accident (also a 6-YO). He said no. He said it was a golf club. He said somebody had been hitting golf balls earlier. That's all he told me. I'll ask more next time I see him.

Before this thread started I had no idea these MRI missile accidents were so common or so deadly.

../Wayne C.

[Edit add 8:57 PST: Regarding editing. I notice that if I post at 8:52 PST, and immediately edit, it will say Posted 8:52, Edited 11:52. When you look at this post, what are the post time, and the edit time?].

[ October 24, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: awwt ]
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

I have seen a number of web communities fall apart because of bickering. I believe the story that AWWT is telling. He seems genuine.

To: karl riley
Member # 5

you did not treat this member with respect

We all need to be kind and preserve each other's dignity, even if we doubt the veracity of what is being said.
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Posted 10:51 AM

Edited 5:24 PM

Perhaps you edited a couple of times through the day ???

( Message not edited 5:41 PM CST )
Re: Magnetic Field Strength

Originally posted by gregoryfast:
To: karl riley
Member # 5

you did not treat this member with respect
I beg to differ. In fact, Karl had requested that this thread end. The next post, several hours later, was Wayne revivng it.

I think there was no disrepect here, just honest replies about a dis-honest story.

Edited to correct typo

[ October 24, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: ryan_618 ]
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