Main breaker needed?

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No... that is not what I'm saying.

I'm saying it is a temporary supply with a specific purpose. Take for example the construction phase of a typical house. Do you provide power for all that stuff during construction? I consider these manufactured homes to still be in the "construction" stage, i.e. they are yet to be actual dwellings. So the dwelling issue is moot.
Along the same lines, do you normally connect water and sewer lines to the show models while they are parked in the lot? If not, that is another reason that they are not dwellings yet.

However, you may have to temporarily install show window receptacles above all of the windows of the units, since you can see the "merchandise" when looking in through them. :lol:

Another telling factor is whether you had to get a residential permit to install them on the lot. :)
No... that is not what I'm saying.

I'm saying it is a temporary supply with a specific purpose. Take for example the construction phase of a typical house. Do you provide power for all that stuff during construction? I consider these manufactured homes to still be in the "construction" stage, i.e. they are yet to be actual dwellings. So the dwelling issue is moot.

Maybe I misunderstood your comment.
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