Main Breaker to House and Detached Garage

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Looking for some input on most economical way to use the main breaker panel on the exterior of my house to connect to the house, detached garage and have a bypass for generator connection.

Facts and known items:
I am working with an electrical contractor that is not sure the best way to go, most of the project is DYI though. All of it will be inspected by the county through proper permits for the new detached garage. The electrical company has confirmed that the supply line to the house can supply 200 amps of service. The house currently is 100 amp service and plan to keep it that way. New detached garage is going to be 150 amp service using SE 3/0 aluminum wire with 150 amp distribution panel mounted on the interior of the garage. Last year I changed out the main breaker on the house to a Square D 100 amp QO panel with generator hookup, I would like to reuse some of the parts if possible.

Thoughts to make all this happen, but unable to find parts I need to complete.
Install new 200 amp main breaker panel, use 100 amp distribution breaker to feed the house that also has interlock to feed via generator. Use a 150 amp distribution breaker that feeds new garage.

Not sure this is the best way to go, also can not find a 150 amp breaker which is probably for good reason.
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