Make it so, number One!

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and customers who purchase only on price have a completely different set of problems attached to them.

Customers who can be swayed and sold by salesmen, can also be trained to operate on your conditions. They will work with your business and become loyal to you (and your salesman) They will allow you to make money and operate the way you want/need to in order to get their job done the best you can.

Customers who purchase on price alone, can't. You will have to conform to their schedule and their business...the only way you will make money on them, is to cut corners or skimp and save on every little part.

Two completely different worlds. A good salesman can turn a 6 month $150,000 job into a 6 month, $250,000 job...or a 2nd 6 month $150,000 without it going out to bid...or...

you get the point.
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