Manual Transfer Switch w/ Indiacating Light

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Senior Member
I have a customer that wants a manual transfer switch for their portable generator, but he wants a indicating light that will come on when the utility has has power on. I've done a search and so far I can't find a make of one that is manual, and I don't know how to legally hook up a indicating light to the utility side (tap rule maybe?). Anybody have any ideas?

Is the transfer switch going to be used as a service disconnect or something? It has to be rated for that.

Otherwise, it would probably be located after the existing service disconnect... so it would be the premises wiring and you could do whatever you wanted with it (within NEC of course).
Yes it needs to be service rated. I see some automatic transfer switches with indicator lights, but nothing in manual. A red indicator light (1/2" round) wired right to the transfer switch utility would work, but the #14 wire unfused to the service is the kicker!
#12 wire with an inline fuse holder off one of the line side main lugs, to a 4 square box nippled onto the panelboard feeding a recep with a light plugged into it. I prefer a loud radio myself.

I am sure this will get lots of comments :)
#12 wire with an inline fuse holder off one of the line side main lugs, to a 4 square box nippled onto the panelboard feeding a recep with a light plugged into it. I prefer a loud radio myself.

I am sure this will get lots of comments :)

I hope it gets lots of comments...Like yes thats the way to do it and its 100% legal.
The manual transfer switch can be a double throw safety switch.
What is the size and voltage of the switch that is required?

For the indicating lights I would use a din rail mounted fuse block off of the main lugs to an indicating light on the cover.
what does he have against automatic transfer switches? They have manual handles included, but do the work for him. who wants to go out to the garage to look at a little light all day long?

Plus how can a portable generator handle the whole house? Old welding rig?
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I came up with a idea, and its even legal! lol

Change the meter trim to a meter/disconnect that has extra places for breakers. Feed from the new meter trim to the transfer switch. then come off the disconnect spare breaker to a outside switch and light. When he starts the generator during power loss, turn the switch on. when the light comes on, he has power from the power company. I can even go hi end and make the lamp in the fixture LED!
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