massachusetts electricial contractors

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i got some bad news from the boss today...i might be getting laid off tommorow :( i really need an electrical job in MA bad..does anybody here know anyone hiring? i am searching very hard.
I have a feeling not too many companies in MA will be hiring any time soon. The company I work for will be laying off soon. We have a few jobs ending with nothing new coming up, so about 20 guys will be gone within the next couple of weeks. Same story with a few other companies I know of (companies my friends work for), the work situation in central MA doesn't look good. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
i am working on getting my masters. i am also thinking of going back to school for electrical engineering. i probably will go to the community college for a year or whatever it takes then transfer to umass to finish. i want to do that.

this is terrible. i just moved in with my girlfriend too. and its christmas to top it off. im sure he will have a wonderful christmas with his family...
Sorry to hear that. It's bad all over, even city's are cutting back right now. I think that some guys are just now getting swept up in the undertow and no matter what anyone says, we have not seen the last of these hard times.

Good luck to you.
where has all the money gone anyway? how can an economy crash like this? this is very upsetting to me. i dont know what i will do if i loose my job..

but i still believe that everything happens for a reason and maybe this job will help me find my dream job. my dream job is in this trade believe it or not!
I am sorry to hear that as well and I have to agree with EBFD6.

Not that there is an 'up side' to a lay off

i am working on getting my masters. i am also thinking of going back to school for electrical engineering. i probably will go to the community college for a year or whatever it takes then transfer to umass to finish. i want to do that.

You may get some tuition help while on unemployment that you could not have gotten otherwise.

I know quite a few talented electricians that are not working right now and ones that have managed to find new jobs had to take cuts from what they used to make.

Good luck whatever happens.
where has all the money gone anyway? how can an economy crash like this? this is very upsetting to me. i dont know what i will do if i loose my job..
The money was never really there... Much if not all of it was tried up in investments, and much of that too was also unrealized profit from other investments - not much of it was ever a tangible object like - gold.... And even that has an objective/prosective value in the market place... Supply and demand...

How does it all crash? Emotions... Pure and simple fear - and I believe there are some - who for lack of better words were the Archtects of bliss, and fear... The ones who knew to buy low and sell high and when... Since they have DO control over this, fear that is.... I think they are looking to keep fear at record highs to drive the low costs into the floor - so at some point they can also - again - sell high - again. Just got to know when and what wave to catch...

Don't know what to do if you loose your job? - for what it's worth, me neither - I'm at home on my butt today too.... ;)
Greed followed by Fear.

Its too bad the banks and investors can't lose their money, and the governmental crooks can't be thrown in jail. It boils me every day.
Well I'll have been with the city 20 years this march and I got this job because I got laid off.

As for the money, many people were living off the equity in their homes or builders were living off of bank loans. Now nobody has any equity unless you've been in you home for years, and the banks pulled all their funding and people that have money are just not letting it go. Many have seen their investments dry up and are having to save the old fashioned way and not just investing in stocks that never seem to go down.

e57 touched on it when he said the money was never really there it was just imaginary. A $400,000 was suddenly worth $600,000 two years after you bought it. Wow, borrow $200,000 put in a pool buy a boat and a summer cabin and then all of a sudden you $600,000 house is now only worth $350,000 because some people somewhere said so, but you still owe them $600,000. And the shame of it all, we all fell for it.
Greed followed by Fear.
Oh yes - forgot greed...

I'm fortunate enough to have my home value remain only very slightly more what I paid for it. (Still paying for it) But that was a conscious decision, as the writing was on the wall bout home prices when we bought 5 years ago. Just many people don't know how to read... We could have bought a bigger - but a less expensive home a few miles away - but it didn't have the right zip code. :roll: I live in a low supply - high demand market - just wish work would be more the same soon.
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