Maybe it's just me...

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I can tell you with absolute certainty there's an entire universe between a passing score of 70 and anything north of 95. I'm curious why you would be suspicious why I or anyone else would want to know how well we did? I assure you that I, and probably most that frequent this forum, could score 70+ in 15 minutes. I spent 4.5 hours to do the best that I could do, profoundly disappointed with the questions that were CLEARLY written wrong.

4.5 hours and I could have ripped through it like an old t-shirt, like I did the first time, late and hung-over, 17 years ago. I've matured since then... Of course I wanted my score. Strive for excellence. Always. And always keep score.
There are people who can pass the test and not have to study at all.

There are people who study and cram a lot and pass.

I would trust the guy that walked in cold to know what he is doing over the guy that had to study. By a lot. Even if the crammer got a significantly higher score.

By the way, know what they call the guy who graduates last in his class in medical school?

Doctor. :)
So Yale Law doesn't have a valedictorian or salutatorian as well?

Nope. The last sentence sums it up.
I'm not suspicious of people who want to know their scores; I'm suspicious of people who place too much emphasis on them. If a resume lists SAT scores and GPA, I worry a little.
OK, I kinda get that. I was challenged by my employer.
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