I will try to help. The grounded circuit conductor (service neutral) is bonded to a pole butt ground 100 cable feet away from the building, 80 feet walking distance. The Neutrals ZERO-VOLT Reference Point is at the service pole, and the buildings Zero-Volt is at the building GES . Once the service enters the building, the neutral is not bonded. The building has its own Ground Electrode System, and it is not bonded to the Pole Butt Ground where the neutral is bonded. That in itself is a code violation. The two earth grounds are at different voltage potentials.
Under normal operating conditions the voltage difference between the two points is not great enough to be an issue. The only difference you see is the Current * Resistance voltage drop developed on the neutral as it travels downstream. Normal voltage drop one expects as load current increases.
The problem manifests itself when there is a lightning strike. When lightning strikes and enters the dirt, there is a significant voltage gradient along the surface of the ground. The neutral is at the potential of the pole butt ground, while the building's GES is at another potential. The difference between N-G voltage at the building entrance is in the 10's of thousands of volts. That potential difference is felt at all equipment with a Neutral circuit or wherever they come in close proximity. It flashes over.
Contrast that to bonding the Neutral and earth ground where it enters the building. Does not matter what happens upstream, the voltage will always be 0-volts between N-G. The ground potential rises, but with a single point ground, no potential difference is felt inside. Like a fishing bobber on a lake floats above the waves. It does not know the waves are going up and down.
Perhaps you have heard of Stray Voltages or Step Potential? Both are the exact same thing. Stray voltages are experienced by farmers and to some extent city street lights. For example a livestock water tub heater in a cow pasture with the electric service some distance away. The tank is bonded to the ACEG which is a referenced to earth some distance away. A cow walks up standing in the mud and tongue touches the water and receives a mild shock. Just enough the animal does not drink. Dairy farms have a problem with Stray Voltage milking machines.
Step Potential is the same thing on Steriods and the steroid is lightning. As lightning enters the earth spreads out across the surface causing a very significant voltage gradient. About 100-volts per inch of earth on average. The distance between your feet is enough to kill and roast chestnuts and family jewels. If you do a google search on 71 people killed in India will get you a lot of news reports because 71 people were killed in Inia 2-weeks ago from 4 different lightning events. All involved hitting a tower or structure. Step Potential killed all the victims.
Hope that helps.