MD State Cut backs Cost Me My Job

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brian john said:
BUT county, city, state and federal governments need to curtail spending, the unfortunate part is there are real casualties and real people in this.

NO HATE MAIL PLEASE, I know inspectors are necessary.

Brian-My city's buidling dept has laid off 48 inspectors to date and has relocated six more...

Krim-Congrats on finding the new job! We've all been there before. Let us know how it goes after your 90 days! Good luck!
Brian-My city's buidling dept has laid off 48 inspectors to date and has relocated six more...

If the work is not there to keep them on it would be a bad investment for the taxpayers too not lay them off. It is a sad fact of life BUT if there is no work people have to be let go. In the government there is often retraining, counselors, resume experts to ease the transition and often severance pay, in the construction industry you better move fast with your pink slip other wise the door will smack you in the back side.
BackInTheHabit said:
Congratulations on your new job.:grin: Will pray all goes well.

Thank you very much. Prayer has been a big help to me and for me during this time period and always. God has helped me and my family through so much and only within the past couple years have I learned to fully trust Him and His word. I certainly has helped to releive a lot of burden that I'd always thought was merely a part of being a man. But real men as they say know when to admit that they can't possibly handle all that life throws at them alone, but with Gods' help all is possible.
Thanks again and I'll keep you in prayer as well.
kkwong said:
Krim-Congrats on finding the new job! We've all been there before. Let us know how it goes after your 90 days! Good luck!

Thank you for the congrats ! I most certainly will let you all know how well the new job goes.
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