me the apprentice vs. Fire marshall

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buckofdurham said:
For example a 4" sq. metal box surface mouted with raised cover can either be grounded at the box or the outlet or both.
I don't believe that's correct. The receptacle can depend on cover-to-box contact, but the box cannot.
buckofdurham said:
It's EMT and no ground is pulled.
Well, why didn't you say so? :smile:

Technically speaking, our corrections were accurate: the box's bonding is not dependent on the cover-to-box contact.
buckofdurham said:
250.146 B

It's EMT and no ground is pulled.
Listed spring type grounding outlet. Bonding jumper not required

How does that apply to what you said???

buckofdurham said:
No offense apprentice. But their are so many variations of grounding.
For example a 4" sq. metal box surface mouted with raised cover can either be grounded at the box or the outlet or both
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