megger for afci

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Probably a stupid question. I will be troubleshooting afci next week, trips at random once a week, cant replicate on command or when im there. I was there already months ago pulled all switches and recepts checked the usual. This time I will be bringing a megger. Assuming all wiring checks out, is there a way to check light fixtures or ceiling fans with megger. Being a residential romex jockey I have never had the need for a megger so please exuse my ignorance.

Did you do the easiest thing first? Change out that breaker for a new arc fault and see if the problem persist.

I have had more problems with bad breakers than anything else.
Just to emphasize here:

An 'meggar'* is a high voltage current limited ohm meter used for testing insulation. Test voltages of 500 and 1000V or higher are quite common.

The test voltages will easily damage electronics if mis-applied. They also pack quite a wallop if you touch the leads.

The test voltages will cause surge suppression diodes to start to conduct. This may lead to incorrect results (you would read a fault when in fact the diode is correctly shunting the high voltage). This might damage the diodes (or might not, if the current limit is low enough.)


*(Note: Meggar is a brand name, and they make high voltage insulation testing meters. They also make other sorts of meter. Other companies make high voltage insulation testing meters.)
There is a surge "breaker" in panel, but I will be disconnect circuit from breaker first and also ground wire in panel to check circuit.... correct?
* Understood but megger is faster to type than megohmmeter..:D
Did you do the easiest thing first? Change out that breaker for a new arc fault and see if the problem persist.

I have had more problems with bad breakers than anything else.

I did not change the breaker yet but I plan to do that first, and pull out recepts, switches, and lights just to visually inspect all wires. If the breakers continue to trip I will go back and meg the circuit wiring. I guess I always fear the worst. But I would be elated if it turns out to be a breaker. What breakers have you had trouble with. This is seimens and was installed about 9 months ago.
I did not change the breaker yet but I plan to do that first, and pull out recepts, switches, and lights just to visually inspect all wires. If the breakers continue to trip I will go back and meg the circuit wiring. I guess I always fear the worst. But I would be elated if it turns out to be a breaker. What breakers have you had trouble with. This is seimens and was installed about 9 months ago.

Judging from most of the AFCI concerned posts here, every brand at one time or another. Not a good track record, but IMO, they are getting better about false trips. Do they actually work as stated? Who knows.
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