Megging Question

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We use URD (with RHH/RHW/USE ratings on the conductors) in triplex and quadplex configurations all the time around here in sizes ranging from 6AWG to 350 being pretty common. Not every AWG size is generally stocked by suppliers but there is a pretty good variety of sizes usually stocked.

It is becoming less popular to direct bury conductors, but occasionally is still done and rodent damage is generally the biggest driving factor and not the ease of pulling out conductors without having to dig them up.
It's wires and a water pipe, but only 2 of the wires were cut/broke!
How deep do you ever see frost in the ground? Around here you will not hit or even come that close to hitting a water line with a typical fence post, as it would be shallow enough it would freeze, and especially would have this year. Had some very cold temps so far this year and literally no snow to help insulate the ground, makes for even deeper than usual frost. Had an underground line go bad the day after Christmas, couldn't believe we uncovered frost 2 feet thick that early in the season, but was just happy it was the POCO that had to dig it up and not me, as I don't have the equipment that would have gotten the job done.
How deep do you ever see frost in the ground? Around here you will not hit or even come that close to hitting a water line with a typical fence post, as it would be shallow enough it would freeze, and especially would have this year. Had some very cold temps so far this year and literally no snow to help insulate the ground, makes for even deeper than usual frost. Had an underground line go bad the day after Christmas, couldn't believe we uncovered frost 2 feet thick that early in the season, but was just happy it was the POCO that had to dig it up and not me, as I don't have the equipment that would have gotten the job done.

Frost not very deep here.
Problem with this install was the water line and electrical conductors were in the same trench and were located and marked before the fence was put in.
But the fence installer chose to ignore the markings and put his fence post right against the line that was marked!:rant:
Frost not very deep here.
Problem with this install was the water line and electrical conductors were in the same trench and were located and marked before the fence was put in.
But the fence installer chose to ignore the markings and put his fence post right against the line that was marked!:rant:

Some day maybe Darwin's theory may kick in, and he will hit a high pressure gas line or a 34.5 kV line:jawdrop:

Local POCO made a repair to an underground 34.5 kV line last summer. They still had the hole open when they energized it, their splicing method apparently was defective, it arced onto a nearby barbed wire fence, found a way into the nearby phone lines, and they had several customers with damaged phone equipment within a few miles of the incident, and was probably lucky that is about the worst thing that happened.
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