messy trucks

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Actually it is secured, just can't tell from the pic, and it's empty.

What about all those trucks that carry that stuff around all over the country?:confused:
... crazy stuff just happens.
Small price to pay to stay warm
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walkerj said:
Actually it is secured, just can't tell from the pic, and it's empty.

What about all those trucks that carry that stuff around all over the country?:confused:

Small price to pay to stay warm

you mean the trucks with the big placards all over them that say "Flammable"?
hockeyoligist2 said:
walkerj, I know where to find some romex at a 5 finger discount, we have your tag number. ;)

romex isn't expensive enough for me to travel from NJ to LA to get 3 rolls....yet
Guy at the supply house told me Thursday that they are going up 6% on all wire this Monday. SC to LA, well, not worth the trip yet! I only use romex for an emergency temp when something has to run while we pull in new THHN anyway.
hockeyoligist2 said:
Guy at the supply house told me Thursday that they are going up 6% on all wire this Monday. SC to LA, well, not worth the trip yet! I only use romex for an emergency temp when something has to run while we pull in new THHN anyway.

That's the same thing they told me! It must be true
although it probably should not be this way, I can't help but say how much affect it has on me as I walk onto an inspection to see an organized truck and a painted backboard (other thread).
I can't help but think a lot of customers think likewise.
augie47 said:
although it probably should not be this way, I can't help but say how much affect it has on me as I walk onto an inspection to see an organized truck and a painted backboard (other thread).
I can't help but think a lot of customers think likewise.

there is a reason that the saying 'Neat and Complete' is so popular...
Come on dudes you cant tell me that if your trucks are a big mess your as efficient as a truck that is neat and organized. I mean what does it really take to keep it neat? Ive been there, Ive worked with mechanics that were slobs, and you couldnt find anything when you needed it because it was hidden under a crusty old pizza box. And my favorite was when they would spit their dip on the floor and later expect me to clean their mess. I had no problem telling them to kiss my butt. If you want to be a pig fine but im not your maid. Get your mom to clean your mess, cause when it comes down to it its a direct reflection of how they were raised. You can tell a mamas boy when you see one.
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tonyou812 said:
If you want to be a pig fine but im not your maid.

You may merely be "anal retentive" or have a more serious "obsessive-compulsive disorder". I think I would have that checked out.

I find that the neatness of my work vehicle is inversely proporional to the amount of work I'm doing at the time.

If I'm working lots of hours things are not going to be as neat as if I have lots of time on my hands. Monday morning things are much better than Friday afternoon.

I once knew a maintenance mechanic that always bragged about how clean and neat his tools looked ( as far as I know he never used them). :D
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walkerj said:
I fuel mine up, clean it, and do the routine maintenance on it on the weekends(oil, wiper blades, fluids).

For me, living 25 miles from the shop, I have no problem doing these things on my time in return for not having to buy gas to get to the city everyday.

I try to keep it organized, but I am often working on two or three jobs at a time and by Friday there's just a big pile of material and ladders in the bed:grin:

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Green extention cord? Propane tank? All you're missing is the gun rack, tick dog and NASCAR sticker! :grin:
Im not anal retentive just efficient. Everything has it place. What can I say its the one thing that has really stayed with me since my time in the Marines.
My last year in was spent working with the supply chief and when I was in the restaurant buisness it was the same deal. All the French chefs wanted everything Neat and Clean. What can I say Im the "Felix Unger" of the electrical world.:)
here is a thought...take a look at trucks when you are in supply houses...notice the difference in employee run trucks between the companies that pay hourly and the companies that flat-rate with some sort of commission...

i'd hazard to guess that the flat rate guys are neater in general...the hourly guys have no incentive to keep it clean...if they do it off the clock, they don't get paid...on the clock they are too busy working...and it doesn't matter to them if it takes 3 mins or 30 mins to find something, they are getting paid the entire time...

now this is a broad generalization...but do your own little survey...

it has to be employees...not owner operators...
Boy, I hope none of you guys ever get a look at my desk! Come to think of it, I haven't actually seen the desk top in quite some time.

Point is; I've seen very little connection between productivity and a messy or neat truck or desk. I've had all kinds working for me over the years. I've seen some spend so much of their time fussing with the truck that they had no time to do the actual work. But hey, they sure LOOKED the part.
its a fact that its easier to work out of a clean truck. why make more work for yourself when all you need to do is put stuff back in tool boxes and on the shelves at the end of the day
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