metal halide & high pressure sodium ballasts

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Mister Kool

Is the only difference between MH & HPS ballasts kits the ignitor???
in other words if I wanted to change the lamp type in my fixture from MH to HPS do I have to change the entire kit (core,cap, and ignitor) or can I just change the ignitor???? I wonder if this is a million dollar secret...
HPS and MH are totally different animals. The voltage at the socket is different. Each has their own unique components and are not interchangeable.
Actually, you can use a MH lamp with HPS ballast just not vice-versa. You may not get the rated life out of the equipment but it will work. MH above 175 watt do not need an ignitor. Just curious, why change from MH to HPS. Its usually the other way around.
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