Metering electricity in South Carolina.....

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Senior Member
South Carolina
Just a heads up for anyone in SC that is ever approached to install metering devices for the sake of billing is ILLEGAL. You must first be registered as a utility with the Public Service Commission. You can charge a set rate for power, but to base it on a meter reading is a very bad thing. (Unless you want to compete with Duke, etc.)

Ironically, I have learned that it goes on alot. Alot of folks out there have no legal reason to pay landlord provided sub-metered bills. The guy from the PSC was very nice and said there is the potential to allow metering by non-utilities in the future, but not to hold my breath. I was interested in sub-metering for RV's.



Senior Member
Indiana has the same rule and for the same reason (I suspect many states are the same). However, you are permitted to sub-meter in Indiana if you use the readings to apportion the bill according to each tenant's usage. :smile:

Rule 5 covers all the rules and Section 12 (page 52) covers how the billing is to be done (split up).
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