mfg home service

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this unit has a cover over this porch attached to the roof of the home and the other side of the cover extends over the porch like an awning and then attaches to the 12X8 tool shed. I suppose if I had braced this panel with a 2x4 extending from the shed wall(which would also work) that i would then be in violation as well? lets see the shed to the cover to the house to the porch. All one house eh?

YES. You got it! DING!DING!DING!DING!DING! You win the interpretation prize of the day. The inspector and supervisor would say "and the porch and the shed."
here in Indiana we have to use the HUD rules for manufactured homes. "CFR3280" in it it will state that a manufactured home that is not on a permanent foundation can't have the service attached to it, but state code wont allow us to attach the service to a accessory building under 120sf because it is considered portable., also any porches, sheds or additions are not allowed to be attached to a manufactured home, they must be free standing on there own, this is in the HUD CFR3280 . so maybe it's a local code and he cant site it?
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