Mfg Installation Instruction for Halo Can Light

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Senior Member
Not sure that this one is compliant or not. Would this pass inspection in your jurisdiction?

Is there anything wrong with this install? :D ONLY KIDDING... I don't think that would pass around here.
Cute. Very Cute. LOL.....:-?

Just think if we had to put a box by each can. I would by stock in the box manufacturer and I would be rich.
Is there anything wrong with this install? :D ONLY KIDDING... I don't think that would pass around here.

Looks like 75% of the barns in my area other than the double stapling on the Romex... (usually I see no staples)
Cute. Very Cute. LOL.....:-?

Just think if we had to put a box by each can. I would by stock in the box manufacturer and I would be rich.

Submit a Code change. (Thats the way the "big boys" do it) ;)
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