Mike Holt, Please no ads!!!!!

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OK, who else is annoyed by the advertisement at the top of the page. Now every time I click back to the main electrical calculations/engineering page I have to look at the ad.

This forum has always been ad free, I hope this is not a trend.

Mike please no....................................................................!:cry::happysad::weeping::thumbsdown:

I have seen no ads, but I will add you want to see no ads send Mr. Holt some cash, you think this web site operates for nothing. I say if it comes down to an ad or paying for membership, go for the ads. WHAT's THE BIG DEAL?
Mike is providing this site for free and I don't see any problem with adds on this site from Mike Holt or anyone else that he decides to allow to advertise.
If someone doesn't like the adds, they can always use add blocking software. If they don't like adds they are probably using it already.
Adds are everywhere and most people are used to them.
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