Military style wage scale

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Re: Military style wage scale

Side note: My occupation (MOS) in the Marine Corps was 1142 (Electrician), and the score for promotion (E-3 to E-4) was closed for most of the time I was serving. I had the opprotunity to go before a meritorious board to circumvent that, but passed the opprotunity to someone else, as the next rank was also closed for cutting score at the time. So it was time for me to move on, as the next rank was equally a dead end for promotions. Seeing that Rank, also equates to quality of life in so many ways... (Especially the assignments one would not get after E-4, like Mess, and Police Call - chow hall and picking up trash on the base for the un-initiated. Something I did entirely too much of.)

Your score for promotion is based on rifle, and physical fittness scores, as well as continuing edjucation, time in grade, and time in service. And some extra points for recuiting and special services like Embassy duty.

The way the system works is that there are so many slots for each grade. And a score to get to the next grade, based on how many there are of each grade in each MOS. So, as not to have too many at the top, the score for everyone below gets higher, or in my case closed. (Too many cheifs, not enough indians....) Due to attrition of the service size at the time, many who were in other MOS's that got cut, ended up in my MOS as SNCO's (E-6 to and up) through promotions in thier former MOS. This in turn froze the NCO ranks. (E-4 and 5) E-1 to E-3 could be made solely on TIS, TIG automaticly, but entrance into that MOS depends on how many E-3 and below slots there are for that MOS. Closing the MOS from the outside, if too many.

Had I been a cook in the mess hall, I would have been an E-5 in the same amount of time...

In some ways I miss it, in some ways I don't....
Ahh... The Salad Days
Re: Military style wage scale

There is a female Plumbing/Heating Contractor 'round here that uses a "per square foot" pay for new houses. Seems the guys working for her like the pay. :confused: I don't know.
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