Boy you (OP) got some timing!

I'm doing a job right now using Wiremold. I had to order it because the SH didn't stock white. I got the quote/price from them for it and all the fittings. The Wiremold comes in 5' pieces and I asked them just to make sure. "These are 5' pieces right?" They said they were and I said, "ok so, $?? for them right? 5' pieces right?" Yep that's right.
So I came up with my estimate for the customer and waited for the Wiremold to come in.
When I went to pick it up my bill was way more than I figured. The Wiremold itself was the reason for the high total. I asked them if they made a mistake. They looked and said no, 100' of Wiremold at $? a foot, that's what it comes up to.
I take most of the blame but I did ask more than once about the length and price. Problem is they were quoting me per foot and I thought it was per piece since they only come in 5' lengths.:rant:
I had already told the customer the total price and couldn't back out on what I told them, so I guess I'm eating $200+, not good!

I won't lose on the material, but I'm basically installing it for free.
Why do they charge per foot for something that only comes in one length?
I've only used Wiremold a few times, and then only a piece or two. Also bought it at Lowes and didn't think about it being priced that way at the S/H.