Molded Power Connectors - L6-20P

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Is is permissible to cut off an L6-20P connector from a molded power cord and then connect to a 32amp European connector? The power cable is made of three stranded cables most likely 12AWG. The receiving connector takes 1mm^2 to 2.5mm^2 wire. Are there any issues? The power cord feeds a 20A PDU and it has the wrong connector but the right PDU configuration.


Senior Member
12AWG is (in Euro-speak) about 4mm, and that would be acceptable in a 32A C17 connector.

Contrary to your assertion, a C17 32A will take a bigger cable than 2.5mm, 6mm is often used. However, as you are starting with a thing that had a L6-20p on it, thats a 20 amp connector, so 4mm cable would be about right.

If you plan on using the full 32A available (and thats a 100% rating, none of this 80% derate malarky) then make sure your PDU is rated for that current. And think about if 32A through 4mm cable is a good thing to do.


Senior Member
I don't think that the folks in the mideast or New Zealand are concerned with what UL thinks
Even when I design stuff for other countries that have no codes/standards, I use some type of recognized standard like NEC or UL for liability purposes.
That way I can say with a straight face that I didn't make it up myself.
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