Motion sensor switches required?

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Senior Member
Dallas, Tx
Master Electrician
Does the 2008 NEC have any sections that address motion sensor switch requirements for general lighting circuits in rooms of schools and office building?
:grin: I just answered the question. I also have never heard of that around here. The NEC talks about sensors in residence but I have not heard about it other than that.

Covered by the Florida Building Code here, basically any building 5000ft? and up needs automatic controls. Its an ICC document.
It may be here also I will have to check into it. Where are the controls needed-- for hallways????? bathrooms???

Pretty much everywhere. I use exception c and put regular switches in electric and mechanical rooms. Bear in mind these are excerpts of a large section.

13-415.ABC.1.1 Automatic lighting controls. Interior
lighting in buildings larger than 5,000 square feet (465
m2) shall be controlled with an automatic control device
to shut off building lighting in all spaces. This automatic
control device shall function on either:
Exceptions: The following shall not require an automatic
control device.
a. Lighting intended for 24-hour operation.
b. Lighting in spaces where patient care is rendered.
c. Spaces where an automatic shutoff would endanger
the safety or security of the room?s or building?s
Dennis: link and browse through this site that includes Rehab. of North Carolina Building Codes

This is a sudo quicker breakdown and while Not a DOI site it does give a different flavor and punch to things.

I haven't danced in the school halls for years, but it's been SOP "spec'd" for years on the motion sensors.
Thanks Jude. It's under the energy code

505.2.2.2 Automatic lighting shutoff.
Buildings larger than 5,000 square feet (465 m ) shall be equipped with an automatic control device to shut off lighting in those areas. This automatic control device shall function on either:

1. A scheduled basis, using time-of-day, with an independent program schedule that controls the interior lighting in areas that do not exceed 25,000 square feet (2323 m2) and are not more than one floor; or

2. An occupant sensor that shall turn lighting off within 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a space; or

3. A signal from another control or alarm system that indicates the area is unoccupied.

The following shall not require an automatic control device:

1. Sleeping unit (see Section 505.2.3).

2. Lighting in spaces where patient care is directly provided.

3. Spaces where an automatic shutoff would endanger occupant safety or security.

4. Lighting intended for 24-hour operation.

Does the 2008 NEC have any sections that address motion sensor switch requirements for general lighting circuits in rooms of schools and office building?

Depending on your state, schools may not be under local authority. In California schools fall under the , Dept. of the State Architect, DSA.
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