motivating an employee

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Why ask why

Why ask why

Smoke him now!! See ya!! There are one thousand guys behind him.

Always ez to hire, hard to fire. You as an owner have to get over it. Fire him right now.

Smoke em NOW!!
Have you tried hanging any of these Motivational Items?

I really want to hang some of that stuff in my office. :grin:

If this is a recent attitude change, he could be in a mid life crisis. If he's always been like this, it could be his style. Either way, have you sat down and actually talked about your concerns with him? It might help. If not, you can suggest counciling.
smokey smoke

smokey smoke

"I just can't bring myself termination because of the relationship we have built and I want to make sure I have tried everything." Boo whooo

What relationship? He takes your money and acts like an idiot?

You get work, get the supplies to do the work, handle the money, get the next job, AND PAY HIM.

What does he do that ten other guys can't do?

Tell "dumb-e-o" to take a hike.

I carried a couple of joe-six-packs around for 4 years, ditching those creeps was the best thing I ever did.
480sparky said:

Interesting quotes I found on his web site.

For example, you wouldn?t fire a 22-year old male who sexually harassed a coworker? the same way you would fire a 63-year-old female who?s often absent for medical treatments.

How to fire for an improper reason and still get away with it.

After discovering how this system works, you?ll never be concerned again about terminating an employee.

How to fire the underperforming, chronically sick or disabled employee (including how to handle workers? compensation claims)
How to fire the underperforming, chronically sick or disabled employee (including how to handle workers? compensation claims)

Nice ......... :roll:

Under performing is a lot different then disabled.

Does this guy work for the insurance industry?
He sounds like some one who may never have a good attitude about life, work or any thing else.

I don't think you have a chance at changing his personality. It is very hard if not impossible for someone to permanently change their personality.
Is he aware that he is jeopardizing his job? If not let him know.

It's not your job to play babysitter, but make sure he knows that his job is hanging in the balance. Tell him he is a very capable mechanic, but his current attitude must change or else. If he does nothing about it you most likely have no choice but the inevitable.
LHarrington said:
Don't misunderstand what I saying, I my opinion company can and will out grow there employee's, meaning replace you if you fail to change or grow with technology. You can't use yesterday technology today and expect to be in business tomorrow. Much like our professions (permission to compare myself to anyone reading) you need to stay updated to stay on top of your game. I fully appreciate that no one wants to do a bad job. Even though they may appear to or say that don't care, deep, deep down they are concerned. I have worked with a lot of people and as long as they had integrity and effort I have been able to tolerate anything.

Do you own this company or are you a manager?

If you own this company, I would say you can do what you want. You may be able to do what you want if you're a manager also.

I have had to work for a guy who was literally functionally illiterate. He has been spoonfed everything, and still doesn't know much of anything... but he is the boss.

There is a big difference between having some kind of attitude because he's a jerk, or being justifiably offended or insulted because he has to work for a ignorant moron. Failure to suck up to a stooge should not be a firing offense.

Wouldn't be any of that going on would it?:smile:
One thing I've done with underpar employees is to let them know that they're on the verge of being outright fired, but instead I suspend them for a week or two to let them decide whether or not they appreciate their job. If you can't get through by reasoning with them, sometimes hurting their pocket book is the only thing that gets their attention. People tend to become complacent when they've been working with you for a while and forget that they're position in the company isn't gauranteed.
adamants said:
negative breeds negative.
tell him to shape up or ship out. you are running a BUSINESS!!!!!!!
I totally agree, I understand that everyone has a bad day but some guys are just a black cloud no matter what you say or do. If the guy hasn't shown any change in attitude after a few months he'll never come around. Why waste your time and risk infecting the whole crew. IMO bad seeds can spoil the bunch. Bad attitudes rub off.

Maybe hes just in the wrong racket. Lots of people hate their jobs but just dont have the bullox to change their proffesions. Its easier for some people to do nothing than to make changes. And lets face it some people are just "broken" when they came from the factory (their childhood). I would try to help a worker the best I could but if they dont respond than its really not your problem. I personally would loose him. I like people that are self motivated, enjoyable to work with and like a good challenge. Besides "Theres no crying in electrical work"
Here's the thing.. Maybe you shouldn't try to make him into something he isn't but use the skills that he has. If he's not good with the other workers put him on jobs where he goes solo or does parts of projects by himself. If you think you can get a better employee consider laying him off. It's your job as the owner/sup to use your manpower to the companies best advantage. From what I've seen most electricians have social issues.
LHarrington said:
Good morning everyone,
Work related question about motivating employee's. I have one particular employee that I can't seem to get motivated. I try very hard to lead by example by being responsive, up beat, communicate well, concerned about my employee's well being etc... However I have one employee I can't get up to speed, Mechanistically he outstanding but his communication, appearance, enthusiasm and department involvement just don't cut it. To even talk to the guy its depressing and always ends up in a defensive conversation and frustrating. I have spent countless hours extracting this person talents and have now put myself in a spot where other employee's are suffering because of his lack off development. I just can't bring myself termination because of the relationship we have built and I want to make sure I have tried everything. Which brings me back you people for support and suggestions. Our evaluation process is very aggressive and rewarding however when I suggest to this person what he should do to improve he actually pouts for two or three days.

Thank you for you time
Fire worked good for the scarecrow.
Free Country

Free Country

I recall an employee years back. Skills A+, Attitude F

I couldn't afford to loose the skills, at the same time couldn't afford the negative impact on others.

At my wits end, I said ?This is a free country and it was your decision to walk in the door today, don?t spoil it for the others?

It worked
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