Even when it's not...
My favorite was when I installed a VFD for a customer at HIS request for a 100HP pump motor used to pump out a collection tank. I didn't sell him the pump, I just sold him the drive and controls and installation / programming of it all. The tank had to maintain a certain level to avoid sucking air into the line, so I used an ultrasonic level transducer feeding a PID loop in the drive. Worked perfectly in my shop, installed it, tested it, worked perfect in the field under the conditions they gave me to test it. A week later I get a call because the tank is over flowing; the VFD is not keeping up. I go out and the drive is at full speed, but the inflow is greater than the pump can handle. Somehow this is MY fault? I look around more and see an old pump, find out that's what was being replaced. Turned out the old pump was 400HP, the new one was 100HP. Hmmm... why would someone ASSume that a 400HP pump could be replaced with a 100HP pump and do the same job? So this was NOT an "electrical" problem, but I was the only one there, so I was getting the blame. Pump supplier is who told him it would work, not me, but he refused to back down, insisting this was an electrical issue. I had to reconnect the 400HP pump to an old Autotransformer starter they had there to prove it to them... Didn't get paid for that part of it though. I told them the real solution was to have installed a VFD on the 400HP pump they already had and slow it down when not at full capacity, they didn't need a new pump. But they hadn't asked me that. They eventually did abandon the new pump and go with the 400HP drive, but I insisted on getting paid for my "test" so they just went with someone else for the new VFD.
A year later I had to go back out to make that one work right too, so eventually, they ended up paying me what I wanted...