MR. Electric

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We have a bunch of them around here and most guys don't stay with them very long.

I've heard story of a guy going into some lady's house to repair an outlet. The boss tells them to try to get a service change. The guy says he can't do that. The boss tells him to just replace the outlet and bill her $150. The guy tells lady to call someone else and he goes back to office and quits.

Don't know how they all work, but as an inspector for some reason I don't see a lot of permits from these big guys.

Just my humble opinion.
A good friend from high school just called. He has his own locksmith business and was at a customers house today re-keying their locks, as they had just moved in. The HO, had Can I mention their name? ARS (american residential services) doing some minor repairs. He witnessed the ARS Electricians touching the hot wires to the box & shorting out the circuit to the garage. Then telling the HO that the wiring to the garage was shot & it had to be repaired at a cost of $1000. He knew what they were doing was wrong & kept quiet, so as not to interfere. He mentioned me to the HO, and suggested them calling me. But the HO was so scared by the sales pitch & the mentioning of the "Fire Hazard" & "Safety Concern" that the ARS, commisioned, service techs gave them, that the HO just went ahead & gave the OK to do the work. Everything was perfectly working before ARS got there!
If it requires outright fraud to generate business in this economy something is seriously wrong :shock:
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