My question is a high level estimating question, not a granular engineering question. I understand how to calculate available fill per Ch. 9 perform adjustment factors per 310.15(B)(2)(a). When required to perform these calcs, I do so. That's not the question...
The question is what rules can an estimator most always apply to reduce cost in regards to 'loading the boat'? I build receptacle assemblies with an average conduit length to reach a 4sq box. Then I group 3 together and sending them to the respective panel. My rule (which I'm trying to expand on) is always using 3 ckts per homerun.
Can I apply other rules without having to perform engineering calcs? Time is short these days and I want to be as competitive as code compliantly possible.
I made a quick sketch to show you what's in a typical assembly and the 4sq/homerun I'm wheeling off. (This sketch is drawn as if they're dedicated ckts :roll
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