multiple switch control

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Senior Member
Re: multiple switch control

Stevepotvin said, "As a master electrian and inspector I will continue to write up lack of controls or dangerous locations as safty related but not out of code complience."

That is a disturbing statement.


Senior Member
Re: multiple switch control

John wouldn't be even compliant if a single pole wall switch was located on each floor and landing, that switched a light at each location?

I think the wording in 210.70(A)(2)(c) seem's to say it is?


Staff member
Re: multiple switch control

Originally posted by physis:
here in Massachusettes they are trying to do away with switches ,or so it seems, in commercial buildings they want everything to be on motion sensors
Sounds obsurd. California Energy Code is rediculous enough. Does Ma. feel left out?

First this energy code has been in effect for a few years it is just now getting regularly enforced.

Second the manual controls are generally left in place and are in series with the motion controls.

In other words as long as there is movement the light switches work as always, when the movement stops for the set amount of time the lights go out.

In office buildings this is a major energy saver along with saving lamps as long as you do not set the time to short so the lights are always cycling.
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