My dash board lights quit working.

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Buck Parrish

Senior Member
I checked the fuses . It's an 04 F-250 SD.
Any body knoiw what this could be?
Its the lights where the speed, tack, gas ometers are.
Also the lights on the steering wheel quit working.
And the alarm to let you know the lights are on when you are getting out of the car.
They all quit working.
I checked the fuses . It's an 04 F-250 SD.
Any body knoiw what this could be?
Its the lights where the speed, tack, gas ometers are.
Also the lights on the steering wheel quit working.
And the alarm to let you know the lights are on when you are getting out of the car.
They all quit working.
Are you sure you didn't turn the dimmer part of the dashboard lights off. I did that unknowingly and realized it before I went nuts.
Sounds like the ground for your dash is not connected. All things quit at once? It's a connection most likely.
Its a ford, just drive it to the dump and buy a new vehicle.

Even tho I have a dodge, I recently found out that my truck has 2 or 3 fuse boxes - one is under the hood (found out when I was trailering something) have you checked the manual in case you misssed something ?
At the risk of being deleted here. The Ford ,GM or Chrysler question is a valid one. My personal vehicle is a GMC but my work truck is a Ford F-350. haven't had a lick of trouble out of either. But the only Chrysler I ever owned had so many fusable links buried inside of the wiring harnesses that I could never find any problems.
The counter person can give you a technical illustration of just about any part(s) that you desire, at any Ford dealership.

The first thing to check is you variable resister light. (on Dash) I have a Ranger.

I replaced it in my truck after I thought it failed (on dash) and I've been driving around with no dash lights for years, I gave up
I can't figure it out, I replaced all the bulbs in dash, checked all the fuses,
I could never figure out how to take the the whole dash totally apart...

Dash and back-up lights up not part of cars state inspection!
95 F-250 and 05 F-150

95 F-250 and 05 F-150

In years past, I had an issue on an older one, and it was relayed to me, that it was probably the circuit board had a crack in the board or a solder joint. Good luck with that, There are a number of them thar fuse boards under the hood too.
The super duty does have two fuse boxes, one under the dash and one under the hood, I think the dash lights come out of the one inside. We quit buying the Fords because they ate too many transmissions, and went to Toyota Tundras, so I don't have one now to go out and look at.
There is a forum for ford owner's much like this one that has helped me out on occasion. I can't remember the url but I found it by Googling "ford F250 forum"
The counter person can give you a technical illustration of just about any part(s) that you desire, at any Ford dealership.

The first thing to check is you variable resister light. (on Dash) I have a Ranger.

I replaced it in my truck after I thought it failed (on dash) and I've been driving around with no dash lights for years, I gave up
I can't figure it out, I replaced all the bulbs in dash, checked all the fuses,
I could never figure out how to take the the whole dash totally apart...

Dash and back-up lights up not part of cars state inspection!
Scared of me driving ? W/ no dash lights ? > All dash and console motor information still works !

Cool, Thanks, More things to Read, Do and Fix!

I'll just be @ ...

The Site looks Tight! :) Thanks

I caught my auto mechanic going to this site.
It costs a couple bucks, but worth it!
Nothing irks me more than not being able to solve an ELECTRICAL problem in an auto.
A malfunctioning IDEC relay in a nuclear power plant is easier to find than a short in an auto electrical system.
The headlight switch (which includes the dimmer for the dash lights) that we use on our motorhomes is actually a Ford switch. I don't know if yours is similar, but the one we use has a PWM dimmer circuit that will burn up if its output is shorted.
You could try to "backfeed" the circuit from another. (Wire in an additional fuse rated just below or at the current rating of the factory fuse protecting the circuit in question) then seperate/test areas of the circuit until you find the problem.

goshdurn fords...
The headlight switch (which includes the dimmer for the dash lights) that we use on our motorhomes is actually a Ford switch. I don't know if yours is similar, but the one we use has a PWM dimmer circuit that will burn up if its output is shorted.

They are on a dimmer, I'll check it thanks.
It sounds like a fusible link or main fuse to me. Also, in many vehicles, the dash light fuse is connected to the load-side of the tail-light fuse, so you can tell when your taillight fuse has blown.

Other fuses are often cascaded similarly for the same reason: some blown fuses are less obvious from the driver's seat than others, so this method can more readily alert the driver to the problem.
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