My day in Pictures (violations galore DIY territory)

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I knew my day was going to be interesting when the first thing I saw when I got out of my truck was this:

I then saw my first sign of electrical DIY:

Then of course I saw the newly moved main panel:

Of course I had to see where the panel once was:

And yes, there was a sub panel too:

Why not open up the main panel and look inside? No, there is no bonding screw and it was not left in the bottom of the panel like we usually find them
Yes they used #12 including to the W/H with a 30A dbl pole breaker.

Yes this is confirmed DIY. Very proud DIY who clearly stated that he rewired the house to code. Just trying to find out what code he was referring to.

YES, this will have to be complete do-over, right down to the outside service. Wonder how much the bid will be to correct this?

I think it's going to take a couple more visits before he'll pass final. There's just too many corrections.....WOW.
Thanks for making my day!

That sight brought tears to my eyes....

But but BUT!!! IT was a QO Panel! You SEE I bought the expensive panel!
I wonder if the eventual plan is to box this in.

I bet if you looked at it close enough not all that much has to be fixed.

OTOH, do you want to be in the business of fixing this guys screwups?

What about maintaining spacing on that 12 AWG? Or are they all fed with 15A breakers? BTW, is this an all electric house? Why all the 240V breakers?
OK, I agree it looks like some one backed up and threw the wire at the place. But why did the HO call you in? Usually when a HO dose a super screwed up job like this they refuse to admit they dont have a clue.
This was not a code inspection, it was a private inspection for a potential buyer who had some concerns about the electrical and wanted an expert opinion.
This was not a code inspection, it was a private inspection for a potential buyer who had some concerns about the electrical and wanted an expert opinion.

Sure hope you told them to run.:cool:

The whole install doesn't even make any sense, why in the world move the main panel up stairs, and run the SER cable back down stairs, to the old service/made junction box. why not just replace it in place?

This all looks as if it was done just to sell the house. look at how new the wood is, and the fact it is over what looks like freshly painted walls.

Even the old existing wiring coming into the original panel in the basement looks like a hack job.
They decided not to buy the house about 30 minutes into the inspection. I felt is was a good choice but it was their choice, I can't direct them, only inform. I will be contacting the local AHJ about that one. I am not the AHJ in that area. Here is the funny part. The guy who owns that home (part time vacation home) lives in one of the municipalities that I am the AHJ. Never had a permit issued to this guy in that town and wonder if he did the same thing in is own full time residence.

The bottom line is that these things happen when DIY people have no clue and are allowed to buy whatever they want and do whatever they want if they don't get caught without a permit.
The guy who owns that home (part time vacation home) lives in one of the municipalities that I am the AHJ. Never had a permit issued to this guy in that town and wonder if he did the same thing in is own full time residence.
Then use your no-knock authority to walk right in and check it out (I don't think you, but someone alluded to such authority in a thread a while back).
The bottom line is that these things happen when DIY people have no clue and are allowed to buy whatever they want and do whatever they want if they don't get caught without a permit.
We are all allowed to buy whatever we want and do whatever we want until we get caught.
This was not a code inspection, it was a private inspection for a potential buyer who had some concerns about the electrical and wanted an expert opinion.

Concerns?!? They had to ask? :aghast:

Sure hope you told them to run.:cool:

The whole install doesn't even make any sense, why in the world move the main panel up stairs, and run the SER cable back down stairs, to the old service/made junction box. why not just replace it in place?

This all looks as if it was done just to sell the house. look at how new the wood is, and the fact it is over what looks like freshly painted walls.

Even the old existing wiring coming into the original panel in the basement looks like a hack job.

Good observations. Reason for the new box? If I mount a second box then I can move the wires one by one during hobby time and never be without power. :rolleyes:

Then use your no-knock authority to walk right in and check it out (I don't think you, but someone alluded to such authority in a thread a while back).We are all allowed to buy whatever we want and do whatever we want until we get caught.

"We're from the government and we're here to help" is a universally recognized sarcasm until that guy does something I don't like. :grin:
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