My friday "emergency call" pic.

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Just wondering who told the fence post diggers that there were wires under the orange painted line? The customer?
You marked the location of your cable and that is plenty.
Rampage_Rick said:
Orange paint? Fence go there.

Electric locating paint is red. Orange means communication.

(So it was communicated to them that the fence went in where the orange paint.)

Red: electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables
Orange: telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables, or conduit
Yellow: natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or other gaseous or flammable material
Green: sewers and drain lines
Blue: water
Violet: reclaimed water, irrigation, and slurry lines
Pink: temporary survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilities
White: proposed excavation limits or trench route
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