my future plans..

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At 17 I faced a choice between colledge and a trade I chose a trade spent 4 years in the service learning it and 30 years later I have a small contracting business looking back if I could chose again I would take the same road I chose back then.
my future plans..

A couple of thoughts on electrical engineering as a career, or maybe just any career. . .

Unless you can find a way not to get old you will at some point be pressured to go into management. No more fun stuff.
If you blow the whistle on illegal things your employer does, you will be delivering pizza regardless of your BSEE and your MSEE and your computer science credits and your career experience. Time to get a contractor's license!
Incompetence is tolerated if you're a nice guy.
If the chief monkey (or one of his appointed "golden boys") comes up with a great invention, everyone will throw a party. If the junior monkey (that's you) does the same thing, you will be ignored and your invention will be stolen. This has even been shown with chimps in a lab.
If you know math, a lot of math, you will have insights into the operation of circuitry (or science, period!) that others won't have. They can't take that away from you, but they can sure sandbag you in other ways!
Learning some Game Theory (the Tragedy of the Commons, etc.) and Decision Theory and statistics is a good idea. You might also want to read "Employee's Rights", by Richard C. Busse, published by Sphinx.
If you want to meet, now, some of the people you will be working with in the future, look in DSM-IV in the chapter on Personality Disorders.
My brother in law has an electrical engineering degree and works as a union commercial electrician because that is what he likes to do. He only works about six months of the year too!! He believes he has it made and I think he's right. He's visiting friends in Arizona and I spent the day running 8/3 wire in the basement of an unheated house with the temp at a balmy 15 degrees!:confused:
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