My New Book....being published

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I didn't even look at the dates.
I assumed this was a new thread.

I usually notice things like that.
This is the start of the end. First ,Home inspectors or any one should be licenced electricans giving inspections. In Ma. if you tell someone to do electrical you are liable. When we make it easy for others to take our hard earned knowledge, well we are getting near the end. Keep it in our trade.
This is the start of the end. First ,Home inspectors or any one should be licenced electricans giving inspections. In Ma. if you tell someone to do electrical you are liable. When we make it easy for others to take our hard earned knowledge, well we are getting near the end. Keep it in our trade.

That is just a plain foolish statement all around. Obviously, you are not aware of what an HI does and their tasks. They are generalists who defer serious issues to a more indepthly qualified person when the need arrises. They do not take any money out of the hands of any qualified electrician what so ever. in fact, having an HI do the inspection versus a electrician defends the level of morals in regards to conflict of interest. The HI is unbias in his/her reporting where is an electrician may be working to fill their pockets and not be so bias in the end result.

Home Inspectors create work for licensed Electrical Contractors and they have never asserted anything otherwise and to make a statement as such would be foolish.
My brother just bought a house and it was required (I think by the broker or the bank not sure) that he get a home inspection done. It did not matter because he called up friends in a couple of trades to get some expert opinions.
It sucked for him the first time around when he put an offer into another house because there were some real big problems that the H.I. disregarded, like major water damage to the roof and some electrical issues.
The HI is unbias in his/her reporting where is an electrician may be working to fill their pockets and not be so bias in the end result.

There is something about this statement that makes it hard to get past.

It is quite a derogatory comment from one within the industry:mad:, a sales pitch in fact, using fear as the emotion, while wrongly judging the integrity of our tradespeople, and portraying in a negative light (pun intended :D) the local electrician, with the sole purpose to promote another agenda.
There is something about this statement that makes it hard to get past.

It is quite a derogatory comment from one within the industry:mad:, a sales pitch in fact, using fear as the emotion, while wrongly judging the integrity of our tradespeople, and portraying in a negative light (pun intended :D) the local electrician, with the sole purpose to promote another agenda.

It my not be something we want to hear but it is a truth that there are many contractors that would take advantage of the situation.

I know I would not hire the person doing the inspecting to make the repairs.
It my not be something we want to hear but it is a truth that there are many contractors that would take advantage of the situation. ...
And just as many HIs that have side agreements with contractors that result in the same problem.
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