Mystery of missing roof

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Senior Member
This is not actually an electrical topic but is a contracting topic. I can paste the link if it is ok with the mods.

In Lubbock, Tx here is what happened to a person. This person lives at say 4204 77th Street. He comes home from work this week and 3/4's of his roof has been removed. Nobody in site, nobody around. He has no clue who took his roof off and left his home without a roof. It rained yesterday 2" in Lubbock so you can see what he had to deal with.

No here comes the kicker. It just so happens that a house on on 4204 77th Place , a block away, got a brand new roof that day !! The person asked the contractor who was doing this job if they tore his roof off. They told him no they did not. These houses were one block away from each other with the same address.

The man's insurance is going to pay for the damage and call it vandalism. Opps !!
Our shop gave someone a free service change that way....

Cow, I did something similar. Owner of the co. I was working asked me to fit a favor in for a friend. The guy was a realtor and needed a power-up done on a house that was going to settlement. They gave me the address and I went to do it. Every street in the neighborhood had heights in the street name. I pull up at the house and sure enough there is a for sale sign. I pull around to the alley and take the ladder of the truck and set it up at the service. Grabbed some 100a cable and put the service head on it, grabbed drill and go up the ladder. Get to the top and realize this is already a 100 service. Just then an old lady hollers at me through a window. Yep I am at the wrong house. I explained this to her and she got a good laugh and told me I need to go 1 block over.

I wasn't there but a good source told me a new apprentice was told to clean out the job trailer of all the junk and boxes paper etc. then burn it. Foreman came back from job meeting to a burned down trailer.
Our piano makes WLS news

Our piano makes WLS news

A while back, we had a piano that my X sold. I was party to the near fiasco it took to get the thing down the stairs and totally refused to move it one more inch.

My X told the new owner it was her responsibility to have the piano moved.

She arranged with the local movers to move the piano and I was asked to stay home until the piano was on it's way to it's new owner.

I was sitting there and noticed a moving van across the street. I figured they had two calls and would be over soon for the piano. Instead, they left.

About 15 minutes later I got a call from my X asking if the piano had been taken. I said no. She said are you sure. Well, I didn't think it possible to have snuck a piano out of the house but just to humor her I went and checked. The piano was still there, as I had assumed.

When told of this she said, uh oh.

She said she just got a call from the lady she sold the piano to (for 40 dollars) and the lady was remarking at how much nicer the piano looked than she remembered.

The movers took our neighbor's piano instead of ours and delivered it to the lady that bought ours. The neighbors were gone and the 14 year old son was home and figured the parents had made some arrangements to have the piano moved and just didn't inform him.

Both pianos ended up where they were supposed to, but some damage was done the the neighbor's piano and of course, it had to be re-tuned. It was a family heirloom.

The local newspaper got wind of the story and printed it. We are about 300 miles from Chicago and the story made it on WLS. Of course, the DJ's were just rolling with laughter.

The lady that bought the piano was furious about the story becoming public. Everyone else, even the movers, though it was hilarious.

Any thoughts as to who was the one that gave the movers the wrong address?

We will never know for sure as no one has ever fessed up to it.
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the bummer about the roof story is that somehow this will raise his premium when the roofer should cover it out of their pocket.
Many years ago I am sitting in the kitchen when a tow truck pulls in & starts hitching-up my 1978 Jeep Wagoneer. The driver appears to be about 80 years old & it looks like his wife is with him.

As my wife waits inside with plan, "b" I go out to stop him. I ask him what is going on ? He replies, that he was sent to tow a red Toyota of some kind. Now this Jeep is red, but it weighed over 2 tons, as I recall. I point to the Jeep symbol. He apoliges and leaves in search of a red Toyota.
I a so sick of these towns naming the streets similar. Especially when they are close. You will have Maple Road crossing Maple Drive with a Maple Court off of it. It should be illegal to have 2 streets with the same name in the same city. There are plenty of words in the english language, so I don't think they will run out.
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