nassau county liscencing exam

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hi ,
new to forum, been doing electrical work 21 years ,i live on long island ny. Long island has 2 counties suffolk and nassau. I presently has suffolk lisc. , nassau is comprised of 3 towns(juristictions) which give their OWN electrical exams.Has anyone ever taken the town of oyster bay exam. I know what the rquirments are to become a contracter there .I WAS JUST WONDERING WHAT THE REQUIRMENTS ARE FOR THE REST OF THE COUNTRY BECAUSE THIS TOWN EXAM IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!Please resond because the curiousity is killing me . thank you
Please tell me this is fair. Im an honest guy trying to make an honest living .
First you need an 85% to pass the WRITTEN...never took a test in my life that i needed an 85%.
Its a 25 question test from 2002 NEC. You have 2 hours for 25 questions
Each question has multiple choice (2 points) fairly easy and (2 points for EXACT CODE SECTION. Which means that if you forget to write FPN at the end ,you lose 2 points.So that means that if the answer is ###.##,(A) (1) (b),(2),(c) exception , fpn............and you dont write that exact answer ,you lost 2 points!!!
So in essence you have 2.4 minutes for each answer. ITS MORE LIKE A SPEED TEST.
Absolutely no markings, no highlighting, or anything on your book.THEY CHECK IT.
4 OR 5 differently colored tests, no 2 same colors are taken next to each other at any table.
There is no partial credit given on any question, SO it is numerically impossible to get an 85...maybe 84 or 86.....but not 85. !@#$%^&*()_+_)(


PS .. If you are lucky enough pass, the practical exam is even harder, you have to stick your hand in a barrel full of wire ,WITH THE MARKINGS TAKEN OFF OF IT, AND TELL THEM.........JUST BY TOUCH.....WHAT SIZE, WHAT TYPE OF INSULATION, AND HOW MANY STRANDS IT HAS an electrician not a magician

Please tell me this is fair. Im an honest guy trying to make an honest living .
First you need an 85% to pass the WRITTEN...never took a test in my life that i needed an 85%.
maybe they only want a small percentage to pass the test.

Its a 25 question test from 2002 NEC. You have 2 hours for 25 questions
Each question has multiple choice (2 points) fairly easy and (2 points for EXACT CODE SECTION. Which means that if you forget to write FPN at the end ,you lose 2 points.So that means that if the answer is ###.##,(A) (1) (b),(2),(c) exception , fpn............and you dont write that exact answer ,you lost 2 points!!!
So in essence you have 2.4 minutes for each answer. ITS MORE LIKE A SPEED TEST.
its still just 25 questions in 2 hours. thats almost 5 minutes per question.

Absolutely no markings, no highlighting, or anything on your book.THEY CHECK IT.
Whats wrong with enforcing the rules? My understanding is a lot of places have the same kind of rule about tabs and markings, and many places don't even allow you to bring your own book. You have to use the book they give you.

4 OR 5 differently colored tests, no 2 same colors are taken next to each other at any table.
Are you objecting to them taking precautions against cheating?

There is no partial credit given on any question, SO it is numerically impossible to get an 85...maybe 84 or 86.....but not 85. !@#$%^&*()_+_)(
Life rarely gives you partial credit for anything. If you got 21 of the 25 questions correct you would fail. If you got 22 correct you would pass. just the way the arithmetic works out.


Licensing is always always as much about restricting the number of competitors as it is about anything else. You benefit from it where you have licenses.

PS .. If you are lucky enough pass, the practical exam is even harder, you have to stick your hand in a barrel full of wire ,WITH THE MARKINGS TAKEN OFF OF IT, AND TELL THEM.........JUST BY TOUCH.....WHAT SIZE, WHAT TYPE OF INSULATION, AND HOW MANY STRANDS IT HAS an electrician not a magician
It does not seem like something especially practical. It does seem like they are taking unusual measures to restrict competition in their area. but as long as you accept the idea that government should be the one to decide who can and who cannot make a living doing something, the people government favors will always have the advantage.
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It does not seem like something especially practical. It does seem like they are taking unusual measures to restrict competition in their area. but as long as you accept the idea that government should be the one to decide who can and who cannot make a living doing something, the people government favors will always have the advantage.

That's how it appears to me as well. Licensed contractors doing the testing seems like a conflict of interest, and may be illegal if they somehow colluded to limit competition. Trying to prove that is likely futile. This is another example of why New York will never have statewide licensing. The local influence and alleged corruption will never allow it.
That's how it appears to me as well. Licensed contractors doing the testing seems like a conflict of interest, and may be illegal if they somehow colluded to limit competition. Trying to prove that is likely futile. This is another example of why New York will never have statewide licensing. The local influence and alleged corruption will never allow it.

Most places it is not all that much different, just a little less obvious.
Most places it is not all that much different, just a little less obvious.

You might be right. IMO places with statewide licensing are more immune to corruption. Even in a state known for corruption like New Jersey the licensing here is very fair. One license for the enitre state and no local amendments permitted. A pretty level playing field for everyone. A much better system than they have across the state line.
You might be right. IMO places with statewide licensing are more immune to corruption. Even in a state known for corruption like New Jersey the licensing here is very fair. One license for the enitre state and no local amendments permitted. A pretty level playing field for everyone. A much better system than they have across the state line.

That's what we have here in MA and it works well, I can't imagine the hassle of dealing with requirements that change every 10 miles or so.
There are places that exist in the northeast part of the country where it's entirely possible that "it's not what you know, it's who you know"

kapish ?
you guys dont know how much work i lost in the last 2 years. I wouldnt doubt that a few people on the forum are on the board, so thank god for for screen names
Ive been at this test for 2 years, but no success.So pretty much, i have to keep paying the fee and keep taking the test i guess, until they get sick of seeing my face.What they do is try to wear you doing figuring your going to give up someday.
Interestingly enough they said they dont give PARTIAL CREDIT, but somehow they gave partial credit to one of my friends who scored in the 60's ,GO FIGURE. Well im glad im not the only one that realizes whats going on TTYL guys
Get a copy of the New York State constitution and read it, find a loop hole that works to your advantage.
Or, hire a lawyer.
I am curious...
If this is a multiple choice test, that means it is not subjective.

The amount of time for your questions is not much different than other parts of the country.

Why have you had so much difficulty with the section numbers after taking the test so many times? There must be others who are taking this test and passing it.
I MUST OF SPOKE TO 10-15 PEOPLE THAT HAVE TAKEN THE TEST .....ALL FAILED ....I understand they want to limit the amount of people passing so WE wont squeeze in on their business ,but to take 2 points away from me for actually not writing on the answer sheet FPN ,that is a little unfair. And another point is ...........if i was the absolute smartest electrician in the world(which i am not) I would fail because i didnt know how to navigate the code book
i heard years ago (from a reliable source ) 3 people THAT took the test ,FAILED,HIRED ATTORNEYS, HAD THE TEST SUBPEONED,AND FOUND THE CORRECT ANSWERS ERASED ,AND THE WRONG ANSWERS PUT IN . Was i there ...NO i believe it.....YES TTYL
I MUST OF SPOKE TO 10-15 PEOPLE THAT HAVE TAKEN THE TEST .....ALL FAILED ....I understand they want to limit the amount of people passing so WE wont squeeze in on their business ,but to take 2 points away from me for actually not writing on the answer sheet FPN ,that is a little unfair. And another point is ...........if i was the absolute smartest electrician in the world(which i am not) I would fail because i didnt know how to navigate the code book
i heard years ago (from a reliable source ) 3 people THAT took the test ,FAILED,HIRED ATTORNEYS, HAD THE TEST SUBPEONED,AND FOUND THE CORRECT ANSWERS ERASED ,AND THE WRONG ANSWERS PUT IN . Was i there ...NO i believe it.....YES TTYL

Did you use all caps for you answers? :-?
I MUST OF SPOKE TO 10-15 PEOPLE THAT HAVE TAKEN THE TEST .....ALL FAILED ....I understand they want to limit the amount of people passing so WE wont squeeze in on their business ,but to take 2 points away from me for actually not writing on the answer sheet FPN ,that is a little unfair. And another point is ...........if i was the absolute smartest electrician in the world(which i am not) I would fail because i didnt know how to navigate the code book
i heard years ago (from a reliable source ) 3 people THAT took the test ,FAILED,HIRED ATTORNEYS, HAD THE TEST SUBPEONED,AND FOUND THE CORRECT ANSWERS ERASED ,AND THE WRONG ANSWERS PUT IN . Was i there ...NO i believe it.....YES TTYL

Well if all of this is true, the system there is corrupt and it shouldn't be. It should be open and fair and not run by the same people who hold licenses and have an interest in protecting home rule. Maybe the local DA would like to hear about this.
bad habit..............but if i did they wouldve probobly took took points off for using all upper case letters lol
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